Our Mission
SLO County UndocuSupport provides and connects resources, support and advocacy for and with undocumented and other immigrant families in SLO County in order to make meaningful impact and true system change.
What We Do
UndocuSupport strives to meet the basic needs of immigrant families to allow them to be healthy and thrive in the challenging environment of disproportionate impacts of disasters and beyond, layered over years of systemic racism. UndocuSupport seeks to improve access to basic health and social services, and provide support to allow families to work, attend school, and care for children.
Guiding Principles
Driven by the community
Maximize existing resources
Fill critical gaps
Stand up & speak out
Who We Are
Our Leadership Council
Allies for Immigration Justice San Luis Obispo County - Gina Whitaker
CAPSLO (Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo County) - Mariana Gutierrez
Center for Family Strengthening - Lisa Fraser
Central Coast Coalition for Undocumented Student Success - Adrienne Garcia-Specht & Jane Lehr
Community Representatives & Mixteco Interpreters - Isabel, Jovendino, Juan, and Rufina
​​​​​Corazón Latino - Erica Ruvalcaba-Heredia
Diringer & Associates - Joel Diringer
Diversity Coalition San Luis Obispo County - Rita Casaverde
Eckerd Connects - Mayra Valencia
First 5 San Luis Obispo County - Wendy Wendt
Promotores Collaborative of San Luis Obispo County - Fernanda Lucas & Angel López
San Luis Obispo County Public Health Department - Health Equity Division - Joyce Tseng
SLO Legal Assistance Foundation - Maria Legato